About Tuxis

At Tuxis we have only one goal: to develop a high-quality infrastructure that meets today’s needs and tomorrow’ challenges. As such, we pay extra attention to subjects such as privacy, scalability and reliability. We offer virtual infrastructures in various sizes, without ever compromising on functionality, reliability and privacy.






Ronald Otto

Managing Director

My passion is helping ambitious companies set up a future-proof infrastructure and sharing knowledge with the next generation. As such, the future of your company will always come up during meetings.

My vision: A platform that achieves 100% availability, seamlessly scales without interruption and gives you much higher returns than mainstream solutions.

That’s where the challenge started. Both Mark Schouten and I have been working with cloud infrastructure from the first moment it appeared. In a short period of time, we had a product and a team of people with which we were able to deliver those returns immediately. As well as making me happy, it gives me the means to provide our customers with excellent services.

With a mind towards sharing knowledge I set CoderDojo in Ede together with a friend of mine. There, children from 7 to 17 can learn to program. I also give guest classes at secondary schools. You notice that the effect of supplier-specific solutions is very prominent. Although students know perfectly well how a particular solution from supplier x works, they don’t learn that there are better solutions out there, or how they work. I’m happy to help them out.

Of course, this also applies to companies, so you are always welcome to get to know me and share knowledge.

Mark Schouten

Technical Director

In 2010 I started Tuxis Internet Engineering, believing things could be done differently; versatile but still good, good but still affordable, affordable but still professional. It has since proved to be the case. What I see is that our customers come to us with their problems and that we are able to provide them with premium quality technical solutions. We use the tools that best suit the problem and make sure that we resolve it in a scalable way.

I am proud that we can almost always solve the problems in question with open-source software and that we are able to make our own contribution to the open-source community. By contributing to products such as Proxmox, PowerDNS and LibreNMS, we are helping improve the software we use ourselves. We can then use these upgraded products to provide our customers with an even better service.

I am also proud that we can provide our customers with knowledge and skills with regard to privacy, and that all our services are entirely under our management. Not a single bit of our customers’ data is stored [door ons toedoen] on third party servers and we are delighted to pass on that vision.

I hope we’ll be able to meet soon!


Sven van der Waal Van Dijk

Director and co-founder

"When everything needed to be renewed, we looked for other solutions at the well-known players such as Vmware, Nutanix, Hyper-V, Dell and Lenovo, because they could certainly meet our requirements in terms of functionality. The TCC from Tuxis, however, was the ultimate solution. The same functionality, as it turned out after extensive testing, but then fully managed and with lower costs due to smart software-defined solutions in the TCC. "

Totaalnet Internet Works B.V.

Great, that interface looks great. More suppliers should do that.

ZebraHost LLC.

Clive Swanepoel


We have cloud servers in several datacenter across the globe and have over 20 years of datacenter experience . We are very pleased to have chosen Tuxis for our cloud in Ede, and as consultants for our cloud in the USA. Installation, support and communication have all been excellent.

VDP Automation

Tim Roosenboom


With daDup, we have a backup of more than 100TB in a Dutch data centre, where the data is encrypted by us and then sent encrypted to Tuxis. Knowing that we have this well taken care of makes our customers feel safe. And I also do sleep a lot better.

Erdee Media Groep (EMG)

We came to Tuxis because we wanted a modern web platform where availability, stability and scalability are important keywords. In our opinion, the Tuxis Cloud Concept offers an excellent solution to this question.

Let Things Talk

Jan Willem Casteleijn

Responsible for technology

In a conversation with Tuxis it became clear that they could meet all requirements at an attractive price, but could also contribute ideas about the best possible design of our platform. In an event of a fault they work in a targeted manner. That saves is a lot of time. That gave confidence.

Van Vlodrop IT

Van Vlodrop IT focuses on customers in healthcare. She specializes in setting up, managing and maintaining office automation in the field of PC and network management, including security.


I really like it! Perfect performance, stable ... I have nothing to complain about.

Mijn nr. 1 keuze voor hosting

Irwo Kandziora

Eigenaar Irwo Solutions

For a number of years now, I have been recommending Tuxis to all my managed hosting clients. They respond adequately and quickly and deliver excellent uptime.


The Tuxis Cluster Concept (TCC) met all requirements and the decision was made quickly

Let Things Talk
Creative Answer
ActiveHealth Group
Van Vlodrop IT
The European Space Agency
Kop group
VDP Automation
Zebrahost LCC
Erdee Media Groep
0 vacatures