Last December, Proxmox launched the Proxmox Datacenter Manager (PDM) Alpha release. A new product that we tested for you.
Proxmox Backup Server released!
Proxmox Backup Server released!Last Wednesday, the 11th of November, Proxmox released the first official release of Proxmox Backup Server. We're very happy with the end-result, even though there are still things on our wish list.We for one have learned a lot about...
daDup as UrBackup Appliance Storage
daDup as UrBackup Appliance StorageAs most of our customers know, we like to use UrBackup for backing up our own infrastructure, as well as their own machines. We like it so much, we pay the company Infscape to add functionality such as ZFS snapshot support. They are...
There, I fixed it! NAT64 to the rescue
There, I fixed it! NAT64 to the rescueAl jaren doen we bij Tuxis dingen met IPv6. Eigenlijk is er niets dat bij ons geen IPv6 doet. En dus leveren we onze TCC-clusters tegenwoordig IPv6-only op. Dat wil zeggen, de management laag. Om de apparatuur van onze klanten te...
Ceph is dead, long live Ceph!
Ceph is dead, long live Ceph!A similar statement is used in a number of countries in the succession of the king (in). And also with us it is! You will not have noticed much, but in recent months we have been busy migrating our storage live to a new Ceph cluster. The...