Directions and parking at Tuxis.
The address of Tuxis is:
Darwinstraat 29D, 6718XR, Ede
There is no parking right around the property. However, there is a large car park with sufficient space nearby. Please follow the directions below.

Public transportation
The route starts from the Ede-Wageningen train station.

Get in RRReis-bus 85
To Veenendaal
Leave bus at Darwinstraat
After Amperestraat
Ede, Station Ede-Wageningen
Ride along for 7 stops, 13 min
Walk to destination
200 m, about 3 min
Tuxis B.V.
Darwinstraat 29D
On your right
Travelling by car
The route starts on the A30 motorway. There you take exit number 1.
It is a paid parking place. You can pay with pin and mobile.
It is a paid parking place. You can pay with pin and mobile.

To Ede
500 meter
Turn right onto Galvanistraat
Direction Veenendaal
3rd exit on roundabout
Direction Boylestraat
350 meter
Left to Darwinstraat
150 meter
Turn around on Bonnet Street
Enter the car park
Paid parking
Walk to the destination
200 m, about 3 min
Tuxis B.V.
Darwinstraat 29D
On your right