Service Level Agreement
We are always on hand to help. Even if you don’t have a contract. If you sign up to a maintenance contract, we will give you half an hour’s free assistance per month, monitor your server and services, and start fixing any issues while you sleep. We even do this for servers that run in your own environment.
By setting up the systems in such a way that any failure has minimal or even no impact, we are able to keep our SLA rates low, which ensures maximum availability. Result: perfect peace of mind.

Short-term contracts

Our SLAs
With a LEVEL 1 maintenance contract, you have better control of costs and your servers are up-to-date and secure. Each contract includes half an hour of labour per server, so that we can always help you and not every change or intervention results in an invoice.
The LEVEL 1 contract can be extended to a LEVEL 2 contract. In this, we monitor the availability of services and intervene if services cease to function. So you can be sure that your applications are available.
SLA level 1
- 24×7 System health monitoring: CPU and memory load, disk space, reboots
- Troubleshooting is started 24×7 within one hour
- Monthly updates outside Office hours
- Immediate installation of important security updates
- Half an hour’s work on systems with a contract*
SLA level 2
- Everything from the LEVEL 1 plus:
- Monitoring of services and results
- 24×7 intervention in the event of a service disruption
0.5 hour labour included
Any contract includes half an hour of work on the server/appliance, so we can always help you and not every change or intervention on the server/appliance will result in an invoice. Work outside office hours count 1.5 times.