Testing Proxmox Datacenter Manager

Last December, Proxmox launched the Proxmox Datacenter Manager (PDM) Alpha release. A new product that is very promising in offering management for separate Proxmox VE servers and clusters.
We have tested this new product and are happy with the first features. We can’t wait until all the features on the roadmap are available, and especially these:
- Integration of other Proxmox project like PBS.
- Additional management of core features like updates and backup jobs.
- Caching/tracking of remote tasks.
- Improved overview of the health state of nodes (pending updates, backups done …)
While still being an alpha release, we can see the potential of it being a great addition to the Proxmox suite. With the management of clustered machines was already possible in Proxmox VE, the management of independent nodes or separate clusters was not possible before.
When testing PDM, we did run into some issue with updating and the way clusters are added. The Proxmox team is aware of these problems and is working on a way to fix this in the future.
There are already numerous useful features in PDM. The ability to migrate a vm/ct to a different cluster or independent node is a nice addition and having tested it we only had a downtime of under 50 ms.
Having the capability to manage vm’s and containers all in one place is definitely a nice addition. We do have monitoring in place for our customers that have a Service-level agreement (SLA) but for clusters like our testing environment it is also a nice way to have an overview of node/vm/ct with the heaviest load.

As a whole, PDM is a great alpha product with a great future ahead of it!